
This podcast started out as a simple reflection on potential. I was driving into work today and noticing the various people on the side of the road walking to wherever they were going. Some of them were young. Some were old. As I watched these folks, I began to wonder about their potential. You can hear the rest of the story on the podcast. This afternoon, on a whim, I sent an informal poll out to my WhatsApp friends. The question I asked was this: Which resonates more with you: unlock your potential or unleash your potential? I wasn't expecting what I go back. It seems, unlock resonates more with women; while unleash resonates more with men. Most of the women said unlock was more gentle. They felt unleash was too aggressive. The men sided with unleash because they felt it was more powerful. I concluded the podcast a similar notion as my lawyer friend who said: "The answer would depend on whether the subject knows it's abilities or not."

This podcast started out as a simple reflection on potential.

I was driving into work today and noticing the various people on the side of the road walking to wherever they were going. Some of them were young. Some were old. As I watched these folks, I began to wonder about their potential. You can hear the rest of the story on the podcast.

This afternoon, on a whim, I sent an informal poll out to my WhatsApp friends. The question I asked was this:

Which resonates more with you: unlock your potential or unleash your potential?

I wasn't expecting what I go back.

It seems, unlock resonates more with women; while unleash resonates more with men. Most of the women said unlock was more gentle. They felt unleash was too aggressive. The men sided with unleash because they felt it was more powerful.

I concluded the podcast a similar notion as my lawyer friend who said:

"The answer would depend on whether the subject knows it's abilities or not."

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